[117] Does the Bible contradict itself? With Josh Scott

Rev. Josh Scott, author of “Bible Stories for Grown Ups” explores with us the paradoxical possibilities of the Bible’s ancient narratives. We dive deep into the serious question of faith: “What do we make of the seeming contradictions and inconsistencies in the Bible?” Josh helps us see how asking these tough, discomforting questions can become catalysts for spiritual growth.

Josh Scott (he/him) has been a pastor for the last two decades. The focus of his work is reimagining, reframing, and reclaiming faith. For the past severak years, Josh has served as lead pastor at Gracepointe Church in Nashville, Tennessee. Gracepointe is leading the theological development and practice of Progressive Christianity. Josh is also the author of “Bible Stories for Grown Ups”. 

For more spiritual practices and inspiration for your spiritual journey: www.umc.org/compass

In this episode:
(00:00) Welcome to Compass: the Divine in the everyday
(02:53) Bible interpretation revelation during college religion class.
(08:28) Thinking Bible, notes, resources, observations, sharing.
(11:45) Bible contains contradictions but fosters meaningful conversations.
(18:42) Bible’s errors don’t discredit its importance.
(21:20) Favorite sections: gospels, Paul’s genuine letters
(27:11) Mark: The earliest and shortest gospel, full of movement. Ends with an empty tomb and a rumor. Failed discipleship is comforting.
(34:00) New book in April, contextualizing scripture stories.
(35:23) Gratitude for growth in sermons over time.

