Month: July 2019

  • Instilling Faith in Our Kids

    We want to expose our kids to faith, right? We also don’t want to brainwash them. How do we inspire a thinking faith?

  • Practical Planning

    Our guest today is once again Phil Bowdle. Phil is the creative arts pastor at West Ridge Church in NW Atlanta, a UMC preacher’s kid, and a church communications coach who has worked with all kinds of churches and leaders, United Methodists among them. Phil is back to walk us through how he approaches planning…

  • Meet Bishop Sudarshana Devadhar

    United Methodist bishop of the New England Conference shares what it was like growing up in India as a Christian family, mentoring under a pastor who visited coffee estates to evangelize, and how pilgrimages to Taizé in France strengthen his spiritual walk.

  • Journeying to Belong

    Karen Gonzalez shares her journey to belong, and in so doing, notes how we can all create communities of belonging. === Follow Us: Web: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Pinterest: YouTube: