Month: May 2020

  • Meet Bishop Thomas Bickerton

    Meet Bishop Thomas Bickerton of the New York Episcopal Area. He was raised in West Virginia where his family worked in the glass industry and raised him in the church from day one. At West Virginia Wesleyan College, he developed an appreciation for the stories each person has to tell, which later deepened as he…

  • Ep. 49: Reaching Gen Z with Jeremy Steele Part 2

    The United Methodist Church strives for growth spanning the generations and ethnicities. The reality: The UMC is one of the three least diverse mainline denominations in age and heritage. Being the church means understanding the generations to come. Tune in for Part 2 of Reaching Gen Z with our guest Jeremy Steele. Jeremy serves as…

  • Fitness and resurrection

    See more information and Compass episodes at In this episode, fitness coach and pastor Erin Roesch shares her journey from doubt to resurrection–both physical and spiritual.

  • Singing a sad song: Children and Grief with Gary Shockley

    While serving as a hospice chaplain, United Methodist pastor the Rev. Gary Shockley, noticed parents, grandparents and other caretakers struggling to help children in times of grief. Because he is also a children’s author and illustrator, Gary created My Heart Sings a Sad Song, a wonderful new resource to help kids and their families as they experience…

  • What’s your hope?

    For more episodes of the Compass Podcast, visit In this episode: What’s providing you with some hope and inspiration right now? Pierce and Ryan share current and future hopes amidst the Coronavirus pandemic.

  • Meet Bishop Bruce Ough

    In the stillness of the night during a youth retreat, his pastor asked a simple question. “Bruce,” Bishop Ough recalls him saying, “have you ever thought about ministry?” Several years later, in another quiet moment at night, this time looking up at the stars, he was struck with a sense of his place in the…