Comity, Methodism, and Puerto Rico

How did Methodism come to Puerto Rico? What were the long-term ramifications of the original colonial aspects of mission? Guidance for the UMC in this moment?


Dr. Jorge Juan Rodriguez V is the son of two Puerto Rican migrants, grew up with his parents, grandmother, and uncle in a small affordable housing community in urban Connecticut. He holds degrees in biblical studies, social theory, liberation theology, and a Ph.D. in History from Union Theological Seminary where his work focuses on the intersections of religion and social movements. He currently teaches, consults, and serves as Associate Director for Strategic Programming at the Hispanic Summer Program—a nonprofit that creates year-round educational spaces for Latinx graduate students of religion. 


Dr. Ashley Boggan D., General Secretary of the General Commission on Archives and History of The United Methodist Church. Dreff is a lay member of the Arkansas Annual Conference and the daughter of two ordained United Methodist ministers. She is the author of Nevertheless: American Methodists and Women’s Rights (2020) and Entangled: A History of American Methodism, Politics, and Sexuality (2018).




