The Church in the age of innovation with Andrew Root

In a culture that is obsessed with innovation and individuality, what is the place of the Church and the spiritual? That’s what we’re getting into with Andrew Root in this culturally-context-obsessed session of Pastoring in the Digital Parish.

“The church must change or die…” These dire words get repeated about 100 times a day across the Twitterverse. We do need some creative ideas (like more digital ministries!), but  Andrew Root cautions that innovation is not explicitly our mission. Instead, we’ll seek to creatively draw people towards the ongoing mission of spiritual formation.

 Dr. Andrew Root’s most recent books are Churches and the Crisis of Decline, The Congregation in a Secular Age and the upcoming The Church after Innovation–which provided the platform for our conversation. Andy is the Carrie Olson Baalson Professor of Youth and Family Ministry at Luther Seminary, USA. He writes and researches in areas of theology, ministry, culture and younger generations.




