UMC and Indigenous Nations: Lamentations and Hopes

How has United Methodism’s racist actions against indigenous nations affected indigenous communities and congregations in 2021? We’ll learn from Ragghi Rain and Cynthia Wilks-Mosley about generational trauma and healing.


Ragghi Rain is a layperson in the UMC who lives in Delaware on the land of the Nanticoke and Lenape. RagghiRain is a Descent of the Eastern Band of Tsalagi.

Cynthia Wilks-Mosley is a layperson in the UMC who attends St. John Fordville. She is a member of the Nanticoke Lenni Lenape Tribe of Indians.


Dr. Ashley Boggan Dreff, General Secretary of the General Commission on Archives and History of The United Methodist Church. Dreff earned her PhD from Drew Theological School’s Graduate Division of Religion, specializing in both Methodist/Wesleyan Studies and Women’s/Gender Studies. She is the author of Nevertheless: American Methodists and Women’s Rights (2020) and Entangled: A History of American Methodism, Politics, and Sexuality (2018).



